
Written by Tele Demetrious


Relevant Bony Anatomy

The skull is the bony structure of the head that primarily acts to protect the brain, sense organs and top of the spinal cord whilst providing support for the structures of the face. It is one of the most complex bony structures of the human skeleton as it encloses the brain, contains the organs of senses for hearing, seeing, tasting and smelling and provides an opening for the digestive and respiratory tracts.

The skull is made up of 22 separate bones that are closely fitted together and mostly joined by immovable fibrous joints known as sutures. In babies, there are relatively large gaps between the individual bones, giving the head malleability and allowing it to squeeze through the birth canal. These gaps present in babies are called fontanelles and are covered by fibrous membranes. The skull as a whole tends to be of greater clinical importance than its individual, constituent bones and can be divided into two main sections – the cranium (comprising mostly of strong immovable fibrous joints between adjacent bones) and the mandible (lower jaw).

Relevant Bony Anatomy of the Skull

Figure 1 – Relevant Bony Anatomy of the Skull


The skull is located directly above the neck and is situated at the top of the axial skeleton during standing (figure 1).

Forms Joints With

The skull has numerous, strong, fibrous joints between many of its 22 constituent bones. As a whole, the cranium also forms joints with the following bones:

Major Muscular Attachments

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<a href="”>Skull –</a><br/>PhysioAdvisor provides detailed physiotherapy information on the human anatomy of the skull and cranium. Including location, joints, muscular attachments, relevant injuries and more...

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