Taping Techniques (Upper Body)

Written by Tele Demetrious


Learn about physiotherapy taping techniques for various parts of the upper body:

Back Taping      Back Taping

Elbow Taping      Elbow Taping

Finger Taping        Finger Taping

Posture Taping      Posture Taping

Shoulder Taping      Shoulder Taping

Tennis Elbow Taping      Tennis Elbow Taping

Thumb Taping      Thumb Taping


Wrist Taping      Wrist Taping

Sports Tape & Accessories     Sports Tape & Accessories

Check out our full range of Sports Tape & Accessories in the PhysioAdvisor Shop, including:


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<a href="https://physioadvisor.com.au/health/taping-techniques-upper-body”>Taping Techniques (Upper Body) – PhysioAdvisor.com</a><br/>PhysioAdvisor provides detailed information on commonly used upper body taping techniques for sports and spinal injuries.

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