Mindfulness Resources

Written by Tele Demetrious


‘Mindfulness Resources‘ is a stand alone article providing useful links to strengthen your mindfulness muscles. The rest of our mindfulness articles are written as a progressive series.

We suggest you read our Mindfulness series progressively to gradually improve your Mindfulness knowledge and practise. Begin with the first article in our series – ‘What is Mindfulness‘.

Mindfulness Resources

Guided Mindfulness Resources

There are many wonderful guided mindfulness resources catering for beginner to advanced practitioners. These are available in various forms such as:

A simple search for ‘mindfulness’ or ‘guided mindfulness exercises’ in any of these forms will find a plethora of useful resources.

Below are some of our favourites to get you started.

IPhone Apps

Iphone Apps are one of the easiest and most convenient ways to access guided mindfulness exercises (for users with smart phones). They’re a particularly great resource for those who are new to mindfulness. They’re also wonderful for experienced practitioners (particularly if you are feeling a little unsettled). Here are some great resources:

Spiritual Books

The following books are wonderful resources (for those who are interested) to gain knowledge of and deepen your mindfulness practise:

By Eckharte Tolle

Eckharte Tolle was ranked 4th on the Watkins list of 100 most spiritually influential people for 2019 (after Pope Francis, Oprah Winfrey and the Dalai Lama). Eckharte Tolle is not affiliated with any particular religion. He is author of numerous best selling books including:

By Thich Nhat Hanh (Zen-Buddhist Monk)

Thich Nhat Hanh is a vietnamese buddhist monk and peace activist. He is author of over 100 books. Some of his best selling books include:

Science / Research Based Books

By Dr Craig Hassed (GP & Senior lecturer Monash University)

Craig Hassed is author of numerous mindfulness books. The following book (which was co-authored by Stephen McKenzie) is a great look at the
science behind Mindfulness and gives some simple, practical tips for application.

By Russ Harris (Doctor and Therapist)

Other Books

By Rachael Kable (Psychologist)

Rachael Kable is the creator of the award winning podcast ‘The Mindful Kind’. In Dec 2018, her podcast reached 3 million downloads.

TED Talks

TED talks be accessed online or by downloading their app. Here’s a few good ones to get you started:


Simply search for these podcasts in your ‘Podcasts’ app on your smart phone to gain access:

  1. Thich Nhat Hanh Dharma Talks
  2. The Mindful Kind (By Rachel Kable)
  3. Mindfully (by ABC)
  4. Oprah Winfrey’s Supersoul Conversations:


YouTube is a fantastic place to access a huge library of mindfulness talks, mindfulness meditations and presentations. Here are a few of our favourites to get you started:


In the following Webcast, Oprah Winfrey and Eckharte Tolle discuss his international best selling book “A New Earth”:

Learn More About Mindfulness

PhysioAdvisor’s mindfulness articles are a progressive series designed to gradually strengthen your Mindful muscles. We recommend progressively reading through our series to deepen your practise. Begin with the first article in our series:

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<a href="https://physioadvisor.com.au/health/mindfulness/mindfulness-resources”>Mindfulness Resources – PhysioAdvisor.com</a><br/>Want to learn more about mindfulness? Check out our list of recommended mindfulness resources including mindfulness apps, youtube videos, books and more...

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