Lournet Stability Dura Disc


An excellent rehabilitation tool designed to improve balance, strength, core stability, lower limb and upper limb control.

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Lournet Stability Dura Disc

Dura Discs are a fantastic rehabilitation tool designed to improve your balance, strength, core stability, lower limb and upper limb control.

Dura Discs are particularly useful for Pilates exercises and in the rehabilitation of lower limb and upper limb injuries, and, may help to reduce the likelihood of injury recurrence following return to activity or sport.

Dura Discs are commonly used for proprioceptive (joint position awareness) exercises in physiotherapy clinical practise particularly following lower limb injuries (such as an ankle sprain) and in the later stages of rehabilitation following surgical procedures (such as ankle, knee or hip arthroscopy or replacement). The Dura Disc is a great form of exercise progression following standard balance exercises on stable surfaces such as the floor and are useful for athletes and patients alike.

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The Loumet Stability Disc is an important core stability tool, designed for you to stand, sit, rest and kneel on. The stability disc can be used for all fitness and rehabilitative weight bearing exercises some of which may include lunges, squats, heel raises, push-ups, planks, bridges, crunches and core twists. The Loumet stability disc can also be used on any type of chair or stool for sitting on, therefore increasing activation of the users deep core muscles and stabilizers through continuous small movements.

Dura Disc Features

  • 33cm Diameter
  • Australian Made

Lournet Stability Disc (Dura Disc)

Balance Exercise on Dura Disc

Figure 1Single leg balance exercise using a Dura Disc